
Here at Viome, our brilliant scientists are on an incredible journey, diving deep into mysteries of the human body and translating their findings into insights and solutions that benefit you. On this page, we're thrilled to share with you our latest adventures and breakthroughs, showcasing the real, life-changing impact of our work.


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The salivary metatranscriptome as an accurate diagnostic indicator of oral cancer.

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NPJ Genomic Medicine (Nature Press)

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Pathogen detection and characterization from throat swabs using unbiased metatranscriptomic analyses.

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International Journal of Infectious Diseases, Vol 122

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Gut microbiome activity predicts risk of type 2 diabetes and metformin control in a large human cohort

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Manuscript in submission. Pre-print on medRxiv.

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Manhattan Projects for Preventive Medicine

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Viome’s Research Blog